Men's Health blood test
Our Men'sHealth blood test panel includes essential tests for health and well being, including tests for liver, kidney, diabetes, cholesterol, performance, essential vitamins and many more as listed below.
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Basic Thyroid function blood testThis is a blood test to check whether you thyroid gland is functioning normally and whether the thyroid hormone levels are normal. The test checks your TSH(Thyroid stimulating hormone), and free thyroxine. An under active thyroid gland can cause symptoms such as weight gain, dry skin, constipation, feeling of being too cold or frequent menstrual periods. An over active thyroid gland can cause symptoms such as weight loss, rapid heart rate, diarrhoea, feeling of being too hot or irregular menstrual periods.Starting from 34 Details
Complete Cardiac Health blood testThis is blood test to assess biomarkers relating to your heart health. For example, high levels of bad cholesterol in your blood can be an early warning sign of increased risk of heart attack. The Cardiac health blood test includes the following:Starting from 355 Details
Routine Health Blood testThis blood test includes a Full blood count to assess your red and white blood cells, haemoglobin levels and other blood cells that are helpful in the diagnosis of conditions like anaemia and infections. It also includes metabolic tests to assess the function of your heart, kidney and liver. The test includes the following:
Starting from 59 Details
Coeliac screen blood testThis is a specific blood test to diagnose Coeliacdisease by identify antibodies in the blood that the body makes in response to eating gluten. The antibodies tested are:
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Liver Health blood testThis blood test looks at various enzymes, proteins and substances made by the liver to assess its function. They include ALT, AST, ALP, GGT, Bilirubin, Albumin.Starting from 21 Details
Cat epithelium and dander IgEÂ 27This simple finger-prick allergy blood test measures the level of Immunoglobulin E (IgE) in your blood - an antigen which if raised indicates an allergic response. Please note that allergy blood tests often deliver false positive results, which means that a positive result for an allergen does not necessarily mean you are allergic to it. Keeping an allergy diary can help you work out what is most likely causing your allergic symptoms. Whenever you have a reaction, write down what you have been exposed to over the preceding one-two hours (foods, toiletries, pets, plants). We recommend you provide these details in the supporting information section for your test so that our doctors can give you the most reliable interpretation. Starting from 25 Details
FSHÂ 36A test to measure your levels of follicle-stimulating hormone, a hormone of the reproductive system. Starting from 36 Details